candace maxwell


“Believe in yourself, be kind, & have fun.”



CANDACE MAXWELL | Fierce dreams on the screen

Candace Maxwell is a power woman both on and off the screen. She shared the anecdote to her success as a professional dancer and actress….spoiler alert, hard work and dedication to each craft.  Candace shared her journey from dancing in the Mecca of Madison Square Garden to her first scenes as an actor in Power, with 50 Cent as her director! The list goes on of her accomplishments, but she remains rooted that she is always a student of the arts. Candace is back in New York City for some well deserved fun living her own Sex and the City tales over Oystas with the ladies!

See Candace in All The Queens Men and Power

Guest: Candace Maxwell

Hosts: Monica & Paula

Be sure to follow World’s Your Oysta on Instagram.



candace maxwell | Fierce Dreams On The Screen


World’s Your Oysta

World’s Your Oysta Podcast with Paula Sanders.

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charlie walk